Many kids learn in different ways. Some prefer a hands-on approach, some are visual learners and some can retain information through basic verbal instruction. Junior Church at Riverdale allows for a different teacher to instruct the kids each week, with an aim to provide a way to teach each child in a way he or she prefers and enjoys.
At RBC, we are eager for children to learn that the Junior church is a special place for them; where they belong, are loved, have friends, and find important service to do. We do our best to make each week fun and exciting, but always focus on training each child in the things of God. And most importantly, we strive to give to the Lord the glory due His name and worship the Lord in the beauty of his holiness – Psalm 29:2
Jr. Church meets in the downstairs of our Education building which has a kid friendly feel and a fun learning environment. Program begins at 10:45 and runs until the worship service is ended. The basic program is as follows:
Crafts *
Snack time
Bible lesson Game or illustration that teaches a concept *
* May not be a weekly activity
Director: Ken Pollard
Email: kidsministry@rbcnj.org